When we talk about Botox and other cosmetic beauty treatments, it rarely occurs to us that these procedures may be suitable not only for the skin but for hair improvement too. There are numerous treatments people may choose from, but in today’s article, we would like to concentrate on three of those – hair Botox, nanoplastia, and keratin hair treatments. Even though they may seem similar to those who are new in this sphere, there are some crucial differences; thus, it is better to be aware of them to pick the most beneficial option for yourself.
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Let’s have a closer look at the procedures
Before comparing all the procedures mentioned above, we would like to have a closer look at each of them individually to make sure all the important details are highlighted and not forgotten. So, without further ado, let’s start.
Keratin hair treatment
Keratin is a protein that makes the hair, skin, and nails stronger, more glowing, and generally healthier. This substance is present in the human body, but it can also be obtained from other sources; for example, feather keratin hydrolysates obtained from microbial keratinases are among the most popular ones present on the market. Some other sources include horns and wool of different animals. By using those, it is possible to make hair much more potent and smoother, so keratin treatments are among the most popular ones nowadays.
People may expect different results from this type of procedure. For instance, curly-haired individuals may expect their hair to become less fizzy, while those with damaged hair may notice how it slowly becomes healthier and easier to manage. During the keratin treatment, the hair cuticle (the hair cell layers) gradually absorb the product, thus becoming stronger and glossier. Speaking about aftercare, specialists recommend using special shampoos for recently treated hair, as well as don’t get the hair wet for at least three days after this procedure. Colouring and styling should also be postponed for a week minimum to make sure nothing will damage the effect of the treatment.
Botox for hair
Botox for hair may be a little bit tricky to understand as its name doesn’t really reflect the working principle of the procedure. This type of treatment doesn’t include Botox as it is (we mean botulinum toxin used for neck pain and other muscle or nerve conditions). The session has its name because its working principle is pretty similar to the way Botox for severe forehead lines works. Just like the injectable that relaxes muscles and smoothes out imperfections, “hair Botox” fills in hair fiber to provide it with fullness.
The procedure itself may be performed with the help of various solutions: caviar oil, vitamin B-5, vitamins from the E group, keratin, collagen complex, etc. The final goal remains the same: to fill in thin or broken areas of the hair strands to make them fuller and healthier.
Nanoplastia hair treatment
Nanoplastia is often confused with keratin supplements treatment, but it’s an entirely different and relatively new treatment in the cosmetic beauty sphere. Mainly, it’s recommended for individuals with curly hair who want a long-lasting hair straightening effect.
Speaking about the composition, this product mainly contains amino acids and collagen to provide fast, natural-looking results. Under the influence of temperatures, the solution reaches a cortical layer of the hair; thus, it boosts the overall structure of the hair, as well as repairs damaged or weak parts of it. Adult patients treated with the help of nanoplastia procedure reported its perfect effectiveness and quick improvement.
The main differences between the procedures
The main difference between the three treatments discussed above is, and it’s not surprising at all, their results. If an individual’s primary goal is to improve damaged hair, boost its smoothness and generally cure it from the inside, hair Botox would be the best option. Keratin and nanoplastia treatments, on the other hand, work better for hair strengthening, not repair; these procedures are not suitable for damaged and weak hair.
All three procedures guarantee a long-lasting effect, whether they work from the inside or the outside. Clinical trials demonstrated that Botox treatment and nanoplastia might preserve their effectiveness for up to four months, while keratin lasts up to five months. If either of the treatments is performed regularly, patients may notice their more prolonged effectiveness after every appointment; all because of cumulative characteristics typical for each of them.
The final word
Hair treatments like hair Botox, keratin, or nanoplastia are believed to be among the most popular and effective hair improvement methods available in the cosmetic beauty sphere. Even though they all have certain dissimilarities that make every procedure unique, the final goal of each of them remains the same – to make hair stronger, shinier, and healthier. Overall, it is pretty easy to understand the reason for the growing popularity of such treatments as many people experience problems because of the environment or even some individual peculiarities of their health. Thank you for reading this article; hopefully, you have a better understanding of how to differentiate keratin, hair Botox, and nanoplastia. Stay safe!